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4th GRADE READINESS CHECKLIST PLANNERIs your child getting ready to go into the Fourth Grade? Makesure they have all their necessary skills up to date by using thishandy checklist app to compare where they are and where they needto be. Take a look at everything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 65 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: school, kindergarten, prepare, prepared, skills, need, todo, list, math, social studies, learning, learn, writing, science,reading, comprehension, numbers, problem, solving, language,listen, listening, measurement, boy, girl
1ST GRADE READINESS CHECKLIST PLANNERIs your child getting ready to go into the First Grade? Makesure they have all their necessary skills up to date by using thishandy checklist app to compare where they are and where they needto be. Take a look at everything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 85 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: school, kindergarten, prepare, prepared, skills, need, todo, list, math, social studies, learning, learn, writing, science,reading, comprehension, numbers, problem, solving, language,listen, listening, measurement
SANTA BIBLIA w/ Illustrations 3.2.5
Beautifully illustrated Spanish Bible. All 66books, Old and New Testaments, with easy navigation for you to readthe Word of God at your leisure. Translation is taken from theReina-Valera.New pictures added all the time.Santa BibliaSi usted está interesado en tener una versión española de labiblia con usted dondequiera que usted va, este app fue creado parausted.Los 66 libros de la biblia de la génesis a las revelaciones sonincluidos. Las ilustraciones hermosas ayudan a traer el mensaje denuestro señor a su corazón.Perfeccione para los estudiantes de la palabra así como reciénllegado a la fe. Esto será perfecto en iglesia así como la lecturaocasional en el país.Los nuevos cuadros agregaron todo el tiempo.
720+ CISSP Terminology Quiz 1.0
Certified Information Systems SecurityProfessional (CISSP) is an independent information securitycertification governed by the not-for-profit[1] InternationalInformation Systems Security Certification Consortium, commonlyknown as (ISC)². As of July 20, 2010, (ISC)² reports 67,744 memberswho hold the CISSP certification in 134 countries. It is formallyapproved by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in both theirInformation Assurance Technical (IAT) and Managerial (IAM)categories. The CISSP has been adopted as a baseline for the U.S.National Security Agency's ISSEP program.The CISSP credential is valid for only three years, after whichit must be renewed. The credential can be renewed by re-taking theexam; however, the more common method is to report at least 120Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits since the previousrenewal. Currently, to maintain the CISSP certification, a memberis required to earn and submit a total of 120 CPEs by the end oftheir three-year certification cycle and pay the Annual MembershipFee of US$85 during each year of the three-year certification cyclebefore the annual anniversary date. With the new changes effective30 April 2008, CISSPs are required to earn and post a minimum of 20CPEs (of the 120 CPE certification cycle total requirement) and paythe AMF of US$85 during each year of the three-year certificationcycle before the member’s certification or recertification annualanniversary date. For CISSPs who hold one or more concentrations,CPEs submitted for the CISSP concentration(s) will be countedtoward the annual minimum CPEs required for the CISSP.CPEs can be earned through several paths, including takingclasses, attending conferences and seminars, teaching others,undertaking volunteer work, professional writing, etc.., all inareas covered by the CBK. Most activities earn 1 CPE for each hourof time spent, however preparing (but not delivering) training forothers is weighted at 4 CPEs/hour, published articles are worth 10CPEs, and published books 40 CPEs. (Wikipedia)With over 720+ CISSP Terms, setup to learn through MultipleChoice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handy Android Sized Dictionary,you will be able to study for your certification on yourschedule.
LEAVING FOR COLLEGE PLANNER CHECKLISTIs your high school grad ready to leave for college? Making surethey have everything they need can be a full time job just initself. Why not alleviate some of that stress with this handychecklist app? Take a look at everything you will have accessto:- Comes pre-populated with over 115 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: college, university, going away, summer, fall, semester,check list, to do, pack, packing
Human Anatomy and Physiology - Neurology- 630+ Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryA neurologist is a physician who specializes in neurology, and istrained to investigate, or diagnose and treat neurologicaldisorders. Pediatric neurologists treat neurological disease inchildren.Neurology is the medical field- study of the human nervoussystem. The nervous system encompasses the brain, spinal cord,nerves, and muscles. It can be affected by debilitating diseases,such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's, as well as by mental disorderssuch as schizophrenia, depression, autism, and Attention-deficithyperactivity disorder(ADHD). The specialist doctors who treatpatients suffering from these diseases and disorders are calledneurologists.Neurologists examine patients who have been referred to them byother physicians. There are many tests they can perform to diagnosea patient’s illness. Depending on the symptoms, they may physicallyexamine the nerves of the head and neck, or test the patient’sbalance, reflexes, muscle strength, and range of movement. They mayalso test the patient’s cognitive abilities, including memory,speech, and sensation.In order to get more information, neurologists often have imagesmade of parts of the nervous system through computed axialtomography (CAT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Withthese images they can usually diagnose the problem and prescribe atreatment plan.Treatments vary depending on the neurological problem. They caninclude everything from referring the patient to a physiotherapist,to prescribing drugs, to recommending a surgical procedure.Some neurologists specialize in certain parts of the nervoussystem or in specific procedures. For example, neurosurgeonsspecialize in surgical procedures related to the nervous system,such as the removal of brain tumors.There are also many non-medical doctors, those with PhDs insubjects such as biology and chemistry, who study and research thenervous system. Working in labs in universities, hospitals, andprivate companies, these neuroscientists perform clinical andlaboratory experiments and tests in order to learn more about thenervous system and find cures or new treatments for diseases anddisorders.There is a great deal of overlap between neuroscience andneurology. A large number of neurologists work in academic traininghospitals, where they conduct research as neuroscientists inaddition to treating patients and teaching neurology to medicalstudents. (Wikipedia)With the ever-increasing amount of education the medical fieldrequires, you need every advantage you can get ahold of forlearning. This app was created for you!! With over 630+ NeurologyTerms set into an array of Multiple Choices Quizzes, Flash Cards,and a handy Android Sized Dictionary, you can learn on the go, atyour schedule.
HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY - DigestiveSystem- 490 Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryHUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY - Digestive System MultipleChoice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a Dictionary of over 490 DigestiveSystem terms makes the perfect study partner. This handy Androidapp from Digital Applications keeps your user interface simple andstraightforward; the only complex aspect of this app is the contentitself. Challenge your knowledge with multiple choice quizzes whichshow you the correct answer if you miss a question. Research termsyou don't know with the specialized medical dictionary. Study forupcoming tests and master your Digestive System knowledge withterm-by-term flash cards. The HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY -Digestive System Quiz (Flash Cards & Dictionary), made forstudents on the go with Android phones, applies a simple,easy-to-use structure to a particularly complicated subject.
VETERINARY ABBREVIATIONS- 220 Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryVETERINARY ABBREVIATIONS Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards,and a Dictionary of over 220 Vet terms makes the perfect studypartner. This handy Android app from Digital Applications keepsyour user interface simple and straightforward; the only complexaspect of this app is the content itself. Challenge your knowledgewith multiple choice quizzes which show you the correct answer ifyou miss a question. Research terms you don't know with thespecialized medical dictionary. Study for upcoming tests and masteryour Veterinary knowledge with term-by-term flash cards. TheVETERINARY ABBREVIATIONS Quiz (Flash Cards & Dictionary), madefor students on the go with Android phones, applies a simple,easy-to-use structure to a particularly complicated subject.
HOUSE CLEANING PLANNER CHECKLISTIf you own your own house cleaning business then you know howdifficult it can be to keep track of every single job that needs toget done in each house. Why not alleviate some of that stress withthis handy checklist app? Take a look at everything you will haveaccess to:- Comes pre-populated with over 120 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: housecleaning, apartment, house, home, baseboards, business,easy, easier, dust, laundry, windows, kitchen, sink, bathroom, todo, list, check
Human Anatomy and Physiology - EndocrineSystem- Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryHuman Anatomy and Physiology - Endocrine System quizzes, flashcards, and a dictionary of over 350 Endocrine System terms makesthe perfect study partner. This handy Android app from DigitalApplications keeps your user interface simple and straightforward;the only complex aspect of this app is the content itself.Challenge your knowledge with multiple choice quizzes which showyou the correct answer if you miss a question. Research terms youdon't know with the specialized medical dictionary. Study forupcoming tests and master your Endocrine System vocabulary withterm-by-term flash cards. The Human Anatomy and Physiology:Endocrine System Quiz (Flash Cards & Dictionary), made forstudents on the go with Android phones, applies a simple,easy-to-use structure to a particularly complicated subject.
AIRLINE/PILOT Acronyms Quiz 1.0
775 Airline & Pilot Acronyms. Studying toget your license? This app will definitely help you maintain youredge. With 775 Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash cards and a handyandroid sized Dictionary, you'll be up to speed with all you Pilotacronyms in now time.
TRAILER CAMPING TRIP PLANNER CHECKLISTGetting ready for your next Trailer Camping Trip? make sure youhave everything you need for your big vacation with this handychecklist app. Take a look at everything you will have accessto:- Comes pre-populated with over 175 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: camp, fire, survival, vacation, camping, trailer, camper,rv, plan, prepare, to do , list
CLIMBING PLANNER CHECKLISTGoing on your next climbing trip? Make sure you have all yourgear packed with this handy checklist app, designed specificallywith the Climbing Professional in mind. Take a look at everythingyou will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 80 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: trad, basics, helmet, shoes, rock, gear, CHECKLIST, check,list, to do, plan, prepared, pack, sport, bouldering
Chemistry is the scientific study ofinteraction of chemical substances that are constituted of atoms orthe subatomic particles: protons, electrons and neutrons. Atomscombine to produce molecules or crystals. Chemistry is sometimescalled "the central science" because it connects the other naturalsciences such as astronomy, physics, material science, biology andgeology.The genesis of chemistry can be traced to certain practices,known as alchemy, which had been practiced for several millennia invarious parts of the world, particularly the Middle East.The structure of objects we commonly use and the properties ofthe matter we commonly interact with are a consequence of theproperties of chemical substances and their interactions. Forexample, steel is harder than iron because its atoms are boundtogether in a more rigid crystalline lattice; wood burns orundergoes rapid oxidation because it can react spontaneously withoxygen in a chemical reaction above a certain temperature; sugarand salt dissolve in water because their molecular/ionic propertiesare such that dissolution is preferred under the ambientconditions.The transformations that are studied in chemistry are a resultof interaction either between different chemical substances orbetween matter and energy. Traditional chemistry involves study ofinteractions between substances in a chemistry laboratory usingvarious forms of laboratory glassware.Laboratory, Institute of Biochemistry, University of CologneA chemical reaction is a transformation of some substances intoone or more other substances. It can be symbolically depictedthrough a chemical equation. The number of atoms on the left andthe right in the equation for a chemical transformation is mostoften equal. The nature of chemical reactions a substance mayundergo and the energy changes that may accompany it areconstrained by certain basic rules, known as chemical laws.Energy and entropy considerations are invariably important inalmost all chemical studies. Chemical substances are classified interms of their structure, phase as well as their chemicalcompositions. They can be analyzed using the tools of chemicalanalysis, e.g. spectroscopy and chromatography. Scientists engagedin chemical research are known as chemists. Most chemistsspecialize in one or more sub-disciplines. (Wikipedia)With the continuing demands of furthering education for theworkforce you need every advantage you can get ahold of. This appwas designed for you. With over 440 terms set across a vast arrayof Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handy Android sizedDictionary, you will be able to maintain your edge at yourschedule.
The brain is the center of the nervous systemin all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Some primitiveanimals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervoussystem without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system atall. In vertebrates the brain is located in the head, protected bythe skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision,hearing, balance, taste, and smell.Brains can be extremely complex. The cerebral cortex of thehuman brain contains roughly 15–33 billion neurons, perhaps more,depending on gender and age, linked with up to 10,000 synapticconnections each. Each cubic millimeter of cerebral cortex containsroughly one billion synapses. These neurons communicate with oneanother by means of long protoplasmic fibers called axons, whichcarry trains of signal pulses called action potentials to distantparts of the brain or body and target them to specific recipientcells.The brain controls the other organ systems of the body, eitherby activating muscles or by causing secretion of chemicals such ashormones and neurotransmitters. This centralized control allowsrapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environment. Somebasic types of responsiveness are possible without a brain: evensingle-celled organisms may be capable of extracting informationfrom the environment and acting in response to it. Sponges, whichlack a central nervous system, are capable of coordinated bodycontractions and even locomotion. In vertebrates, the spinal cordby itself contains neural circuitry capable of generating reflexresponses as well as simple motor patterns such as swimming orwalking. However, sophisticated control of behavior on the basis ofcomplex sensory input requires the information-integratingcapabilities of a centralized brain.Despite rapid scientific progress, much about how brains workremains a mystery. The operations of individual neurons andsynapses are now understood in considerable detail, but the waythey cooperate in ensembles of thousands or millions has been verydifficult to decipher. Methods of observation such as EEG recordingand functional brain imaging tell us that brain operations arehighly organized, while single unit recording can resolve theactivity of single neurons, but how individual cells give rise tocomplex operations is unknown.If you are studying the brain this semester, you know there is alot of information to keep track of. Why not take advantage ofeverything you can to maintain your edge. This app was designed foryou. With over 360+ Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards and ahandy Android sized Dictionary, you will be able to learn at yourleisure.
600+ FIREFIGHTER Terms Quiz 1.0
Firefighters (historically, firemen) arerescuers extensively trained primarily to put out hazardous firesthat threaten civilian populations and property, to rescue peoplefrom car incidents, collapsed and burning buildings and other suchsituations. The increasing complexity of modern industrialized lifewith an increase in the scale of hazards has created an increase inthe skills needed in firefighting technology and a broadening ofthe firefighter-rescuer's remit. They sometimes provide emergencymedical services. The fire service, or fire and rescue service,also known in some countries as the fire brigade or firedepartment, are some of the emergency services.Firefighting and firefighters have become ubiquitous around theworld, wildland areas to urban areas, and on board ships.According to Merriam Webster's Dictionary, the English word"firefighter" has been used since at least 1903.[1] In recentdecades it has become the preferred term, replacing the older"fireman," since many women serve as firefighters, and also becausethe term "fireman" can have other meanings, including someone whosets or stokes fires - exactly the opposite of the firefightingrole. (Wikipedia)With the ever increasing demands for continuing education inthis field, it is imperative to take advantage of anything thatwill help you keep you edge. This app was designed for you. Withover 600 Fire Fighting Terminologies separated into a fantasticarray of Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handy Androidsized Dictionary, you will be able to learn at your schedule.
RV TRIP PLANNER CHECKLISTAre you getting ready to go on a RV camping roadtrip? Make sureyou are prepared with this handy checklist app. Take a look ateverything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 150 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to dokw: vacation, recreational vehicle, highway, travel, luxury,cross country- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)
300+ DRIVERS ED Eng/Span Quiz 1.0
Driver's education or driver's ed is a formalclass or program that prepares a new driver to obtain a learner'spermit or driver's license. It may take place in a classroom, in avehicle, online, or a combination of the above. Topics ofinstruction include traffic code or laws and vehicle operation.Typically, instruction will warn of dangerous conditions in drivingsuch as road conditions, driver impairments, and hazardous weather.Instructional videos may also be shown, demonstrating properdriving strategies and the consequences for not observing therules. The term driver's ed is one that is typically used in theUnited States, and other countries often have other terms for adriving test or examination.Studying for your drivers ed class? This app was designed foryou. With over 300+ Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and ahandy Android sized Dictionary, you will be prepared for your testsin no time.
BIRTH PLAN CHECKLISTAre you pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant soon? Then youneed a birth plan set in stone before the big day. You and yourspouse need to know everything about that day long before you getthere. This handy checklist app will help you with some fantasticideas. Take a look at everything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 125 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: baby, child, boy, girl, to do, check list, Douala, midwife,doctor, nurse, hospital, water, bathroom, bedroom, bed,
Nursing is a healthcare profession focused onthe care of individuals, families, and communities so they mayattain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of lifefrom conception to death.Nurses work in a large variety of specialties where they workindependently and as part of a team to assess, plan, implement andevaluate care. Nursing Science is a field of knowledge based on thecontributions of nursing scientist through peer reviewed scholarlyjournals and evidenced-based practice. (Wikipedia)Keeping up with all of your medical abbreviations can be adaunting task. This app was designed for you. With over 460+Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a a handy Android sizedDictionary, you will be able to study at your nurse, lpn, rn, nclex-rn
Phlebotomy is the act of drawing blood eitherfor testing or transfusion. It is a skill employed by physiciansand many professionals in allied health fields, including medicalassistants, paramedics, and clinical laboratory scientists.Certification is legally required in only two states of USA.However most employers prefer to employ certified professionals.Health care is a rapidly expanding industry, and a newprofessional, the certified phlebotomist, helps to reduce theworkload of doctors and nurses by focusing exclusively on bloodcollection, particularly in hospitals and blood drives.Depending on the regional characteristics of the organizationthey work for, phlebotomists may have to travel to collect samples(this is referred to as a domiciliary service). They may travel tonursing homes or outpatient clinics to collect samples.Phlebotomists collect blood primarily by performing venipunctureand, for collection of minute quantities of blood, fingersticks.Blood may be collected from infants by means of a heel stick.Specially trained phlebotomists collect arterial blood samples fromthe radial artery of the wrist or brachial artery in theantecubital area (bend in the arm)kateva.Maintain your medical edge with this fantastic set of 534Phlebotomy Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flashcards and a handyDictionary for learning on the go.
580 PARALEGAL Terms Quiz App 1.0
Paralegals, also referred to as legalassistants, are not licensed attorneys but they help lawyers withtheir work. The most important duties of a paralegal involvehelping the lawyer prepare for meetings and appearances in court.There are many details and tasks involved with trials, cases, andlegal proceedings and most lawyers need help accomplishing thesethings in time for their schedules appearances. That’s where youcome in.If you are studying to become a Paralegal then this app isperfect for you. With over 580 terms and definitions it is sure tohelp you keep you edge with your ongoing education. Learning takesplace in Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handy Androidsized Dictionary for learning on the go. :-)
645+ BIOCHEMISTRY Terms Quiz 1.0
Biochemistry, sometimes called biologicalchemistry, is the study of chemical processes in living organisms.Biochemistry governs all living organisms and living processes. Bycontrolling information flow through biochemical signalling and theflow of chemical energy through metabolism, biochemical processesgive rise to the incredible complexity of life. Much ofbiochemistry deals with the structures and functions of cellularcomponents such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acidsand other biomolecules although increasingly processes rather thanindividual molecules are the main focus. Over the last 40 yearsbiochemistry has become so successful at explaining livingprocesses that now almost all areas of the life sciences frombotany to medicine are engaged in biochemical research. Today themain focus of pure biochemistry is in understanding how biologicalmolecules give rise to the processes that occur within living cellswhich in turn relates greatly to the study and understanding ofwhole organisms.Among the vast number of different biomolecules, many arecomplex and large molecules (called biopolymers), which arecomposed of similar repeating subunits (called monomers). Eachclass of polymeric biomolecule has a different set of subunittypes. For example, a protein is a polymer whose subunits areselected from a set of 20 or more amino acids. Biochemistry studiesthe chemical properties of important biological molecules, likeproteins, and in particular the chemistry of enzyme-catalyzedreactions.The biochemistry of cell metabolism and the endocrine system hasbeen extensively described. Other areas of biochemistry include thegenetic code (DNA, RNA), protein synthesis, cell membranetransport, and signal transduction. (Wikipedia)Biochemistry can be a challenging class to master. You need totake advantage of anything that will help give you an edge. Thisapp was designed for you. With over 645+ Multiple Choice Quizzes,Flash Cards and a handy Android sized Dictionary you will be ableto learn at your leisure. Perfect for college students.
Computer science or computing science(abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations ofinformation and computation and of practical techniques for theirimplementation and application in computer systems. Computerscientists invent algorithmic processes that create, describe, andtransform information and formulate suitable abstractions to modelcomplex systems.Computer science has many sub-fields; some, such ascomputational complexity theory, study the properties ofcomputational problems, while others, such as computer graphics,emphasize the computation of specific results. Still others focuson the challenges in implementing computations. For example,programming language theory studies approaches to describecomputations, while computer programming applies specificprogramming languages to solve specific computational problems, andhuman-computer interaction focuses on the challenges in makingcomputers and computations useful, usable, and universallyaccessible to people.The general public sometimes confuses computer science withcareers that deal with computers (such as information technology),or think that it relates to their own experience of computers,which typically involves activities such as gaming, web-browsing,and word-processing. However, the focus of computer science is moreon understanding the properties of the programs used to implementsoftware such as games and web-browsers, and using thatunderstanding to create new programs or improve existing ones.Studying Computer Science? This app was designed for you. Withover 450+ Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards & a handyAndroid sized Dictionary, you will be able to learn at yourleisure.
HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY - RESPIRATORYTERMINOLOGY- 490 Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryHUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY - RESPIRATORY TERMINOLOGYquizzes, flash cards, and a dictionary of over 490 Respiratoryterms makes the perfect study partner. This handy Android app fromDigital Applications keeps your user interface simple andstraightforward; the only complex aspect of this app is the contentitself. Challenge your knowledge with multiple choice quizzes whichshow you the correct answer if you miss a question. Research termsyou don't know with the specialized medical dictionary. Study forupcoming tests and master your Respiratory Terminology knowledgewith term-by-term flash cards. The HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY -RESPIRATORY TERMINOLOGY (Flash Cards & Dictionary), made forstudents on the go with Android phones, applies a simple,easy-to-use structure to a particularly complicated subject.
Human Anatomy & Physiology - LymphaticSystem Terminology- Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- Dictionary- Learning at your leisure.The lymphatic system is the part of the immune system comprisinga network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clearfluid called lymph (from Latin lympha "water") unidirectionallytoward the heart. Lymphoid tissue is found in many organs,particularly the lymph nodes, and in the lymphoid folliclesassociated with the digestive system such as the tonsils. Thesystem also includes all the structures dedicated to thecirculation and production of lymphocytes, which includes thespleen, thymus, bone marrow and the lymphoid tissue associated withthe digestive system. The lymphatic system as we know it today wasfirst described independently by Olaus Rudbeck and ThomasBartholin.The blood does not directly come in contact with the parenchymalcells and tissues in the body, but constituents of the blood firstexit the microvascular exchange blood vessels to becomeinterstitial fluid, which comes into contact with the parenchymalcells of the body. Lymph is the fluid that is formed wheninterstitial fluid enters the initial lymphatic vessels of thelymphatic system. The lymph is then moved along the lymphaticvessel network by either intrinsic contractions of the lymphaticvessels or by extrinsic compression of the lymphatic vessels viaexternal tissue forces (e.g. the contractions of skeletalmuscles).(Wikipedia)
Real estate is a legal term (in somejurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, USAand The Bahamas) that encompasses land along with improvements tothe land, such as buildings, fences, wells and other siteimprovements that are fixed in location—immovable. Real estate lawis the body of regulations and legal codes which pertain to suchmatters under a particular jurisdiction and include things such ascommercial and residential real property transactions. Real estateis often considered synonymous with real property (sometimes calledrealty), in contrast with personal property (sometimes calledchattel or personalty under chattel law or personal property law).However, in some situations the term "real estate" refers to theland and fixtures together, as distinguished from "real property",referring to ownership of land and appurtenances, includinganything of a permanent nature such as structures, trees, minerals,and the interest, benefits, and inherent rights thereof. Realproperty is typically considered to be Immovable property. Theterms real estate and real property are used primarily in commonlaw, while civil law jurisdictions refer instead to immovableproperty. (WIKIPEDIA)With the ever increasing demand to upgrade your skills in todayseconomy, you need any advantage you can get ahold of to furtheryour education. This Real estate App was designed for you. With avast array of Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handyAndroid sized Dictionary, you'll be up to speed in no time.
LATIN Legal Terms - Lawyer 1.0
LATIN LEGAL TERMINOLOGY- 450 Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryLATIN LEGAL TERMINOLOGY Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards,and a Dictionary of over 450 Latin Legal terms makes the perfectstudy partner. This handy Android app from Digital Applicationskeeps your user interface simple and straightforward; the onlycomplex aspect of this app is the content itself. Challenge yourknowledge with multiple choice quizzes which show you the correctanswer if you miss a question. Research terms you don't know withthe specialized medical dictionary. Study for upcoming tests andmaster your Latin knowledge with term-by-term flash cards. TheLATIN LEGAL TERMINOLOGY Quiz (Flash Cards & Dictionary), madefor students on the go with Android phones, applies a simple,easy-to-use structure to a particularly complicated lawyer, law, school, judge, jury,
WEDDING PICTURES / PHOTOS PLANNER CHECKLISTIf you are getting married soon, or if you are a weddingphotographer you know how stressful it can be trying to remember toget all the best shots of that special day. Why not alleviate someof that stress with this handy checklist app. Take a look ateverything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 100 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: bride, groom, photographer, shoot, help, mother, father,dance, honeymoon, wedding, church, wed, i do, plan, prepare,camera, list
Studying the Norwegian Language? This app wasdesigned for you. With over 1000+ Norwegian Vocabulary Terms set upin a vast array of Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and ahandy Android sized Dictionary you will be able to learn at yourschedule.
Disney World Video Timeline 1.0
Disney World Video TimelineWalt Disney World in Orlando, FL opened on October 1, 1971. Haveyou ever wondered how Disney's Magic Kingdom, Epcot, HollywoodStudios & Animal Kingdom have all changed over the past 40+years? Find out now with this beautifully designed app, meant totake you back in time and watch it unfold before your veryeyes.The Disney World Video Timeline is a Visual Feast of classic,archival footage shot by people just like you. The fans of Disney!!With a focus on highlighting the wonderful environments of eachDisney World park, you will be able to see them as they existedthrough the years.Relive your childhood with classic Disney moments including:- The Cinderella Castle as it stood in 1971- Magic Kingdom's Skyway circa 1978- Vintage Fort Wilderness footage from 1977- Epcot's Communicore when it was in it's prime in 1985- Christmas at MGM Studios (Now Hollywood Studios) during1989- The Fantastic Space Mountain in 1993- Disney Wishes Fireworks Display in 2004- Animal Kingdom's Lucky the Dinosaur from 2005- The Magic Kingdom's Railroad in 2011- Plus SO MUCH MORE!!!!!The Disney World Video Timeline is a fantastic resource foranyone who remembers their childhood vacations, to the most magicalplace on Earth, with fondness and longing. With countless hours offootage to sift through, you will be able to enjoy Disney from anydecade over the past 40+ years.What are you waiting for? Get The WDW Video Timelinetoday!!!* Internet Connection Required *kw: disney, walt, video, time line,mickey, mouse, minnie, goofy,donald, duck, chipmunks, orlando, florida, disneyland, dis, diz,vintage, classic, archive, kids, children, family, vacation, fun,mom, dad, boy, girl, magic kingdom, epcot, animal kingdon, mgmstudios, hollywood studios, pirates of the caribbean, splash spacemountain, swiss family, fantasyland, tomorrowland, people mover,fireworks, magical, happiest place on earth
Human Anatomy & Physiology -Cardiovascular System Terminology - Multiple Choice Quiz, FlashCards & a handy Android sized Dictionary for you to learn atyour leisure.Cardiovascular physiology is the study of the circulatorysystem. More specifically, it addresses the physiology of the heart("cardio") and blood vessels ("vascular").These subjects are sometimes addressed separately, under thenames cardiac physiology and circulatory physiology.Although the different aspects of cardiovascular physiology areclosely interrelated, the subject is still usually divided intoseveral subtopics. (Wikipedia)
500 POLICE TERMS Quiz App 1.0
Police officers are hailed to be peace makersand protectors of society. They safeguard our society by preventingthreats of crimes in various forms. This certainly form the essenceof a police officer job description. With increasing incidents ofcrime in various setups like hospitals, schools, colleges, banks,federal houses, etc, duties of a police officer have become verychallenging and diverse. Depending on location of placement, policeofficers may have to do a variety of tasks. In fact, there arevarious establishments where police officers are recruited. Ifyou're wondering on how to become a police officer, then you've tounderstand that there is no magic path to it. You've to strive hardand inculcate right sets of skills. You've to show competence infederal police recruitment programs.With all the education needed to maximize your skills as anofficer of the law, you need every edge you can get a hold of. Thisapp was made for you. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or justgetting your skills ready, you will find this app a perfectaddition to your continuing education.With over 500 terms and descriptions in a fun and interactivelearning style, we have you covered. Multiple Choice Quizzes, FlashCards, Dictionary.
In education, a teacher (or, in the US,educator) is a person who provides schooling for pupils andstudents. A teacher who facilitates education for an individualstudent may also be described as a personal tutor. The role ofteacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out by way ofoccupation or profession at a school or other place of formaleducation. In many countries, a person who wishes to become ateacher must first obtain professional qualifications orcredentials from a university or college. These professionalqualifications may include the study of pedagogy, the science ofteaching. Teachers may have to continue their education after theyqualify. Teachers may use a lesson plan to facilitate studentlearning, providing a course of study which is called thecurriculum. A teacher's role may vary among cultures. Teachers mayprovide education instruction in literacy and numeracy,craftsmanship or vocational training, the Arts, religion orspirituality, civics, community roles, or life skills. (Wikipedia)This app was designed for you. With over 200+ Teaching terms ina vast array of Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handyAndroid sized Dictionary, you will be able to learn at yourleisure.
DIVING TRIP PLANNER CHECKLISTGetting ready for your next Diving Vacation Trip? Make sure youare fully prepared with this handy checklist app designed with theScuba Diving Professional in mind. Take a look at everything youwill have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 170 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: water, sea, underwater, tank, fish, pacific, atlantic,vacation, trip, family
CAR ROAD TRIP PLANNER CHECKLISTIf you are planning your next Road Trip Vacation then you knowhow stressful it can be, trying to remember every single item thatyou will be needing for the trip. Why not alleviate some of thatstress with this handy checklist app. Take a look below ateverything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 130 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: summer, spring, vacation, dad, mom, memories, fun, kids,children, boy, girl, baby, toddler, car, van, rv, to do, list,check
AIRPORT CODES - EUROPE- 490 Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryAIRPORT CODES - EUROPE quizzes, flash cards, and a dictionary ofover 490 Airport codes makes the perfect study partner. This handyAndroid app from Digital Applications keeps your user interfacesimple and straightforward; the only complex aspect of this app isthe content itself. Challenge your knowledge with multiple choicequizzes which show you the correct answer if you miss a question.Research terms you don't know with the specialized dictionary.Study for upcoming tests and master your Airport Codes knowledgewith term-by-term flash cards. The AIRPORT CODES - EUROPE Quiz(Flash Cards & Dictionary), made for students on the go withAndroid phones, applies a simple, easy-to-use structure to aparticularly complicated subject.
TOP 200 Rx Drugs Brand/Generic 1.0
Top 200 Rx Prescription Brand Name Drugs Brandand their Generics equivalents in a great little Multiple ChoiceQuiz, Flash cards and a handy Android sized Dictionary for learningon the go. Perfect for Pharmacists who need to keep theiredge.
MEDICAL BILLING ABBREVIATIONS- 245 Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryMEDICAL BILLING ABBREVIATIONS Multiple Choice Quizzes, FlashCards, and a Dictionary of over 245 Medical Billing terms makes theperfect study partner. This handy Android app from DigitalApplications keeps your user interface simple and straightforward;the only complex aspect of this app is the content itself.Challenge your knowledge with multiple choice quizzes which showyou the correct answer if you miss a question. Research terms youdon't know with the specialized medical dictionary. Study forupcoming tests and master your Medical Billing knowledge withterm-by-term flash cards. The MEDICAL BILLING ABBREVIATIONS Quiz(Flash Cards & Dictionary), made for students on the go withAndroid phones, applies a simple, easy-to-use structure to aparticularly complicated subject.
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts 1.0
Over 110 Keyboard shortcuts to help you moveeven faster in this program. Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards,and a handy Dictionary for learning on the go.
A chemical compound is a pure chemicalsubstance consisting of two or more different chemical elementsthat can be separated into simpler substances by chemicalreactions. Chemical compounds have a unique and defined chemicalstructure; they consist of a fixed ratio of atoms that are heldtogether in a defined spatial arrangement by chemical bonds.Chemical compounds can be molecular compounds held together bycovalent bonds, salts held together by ionic bonds, intermetalliccompounds held together by metallic bonds, or complexes heldtogether by coordinate covalent bonds. Pure chemical elements arenot considered chemical compounds, even if they consist ofmolecules which contain only multiple atoms of a single element(such as H2, S8, etc.), which are called diatomic molecules orpolyatomic molecules. (Wikipedia)With over 220 Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handyAndroid Sized Dictionary, you will be able to study your ChemicalCompounds at your leisure.
Over 1295 Human Anatomy and Physiology Termsand Descriptions. Fun way to keep your edge. Learning takes placein Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards as well as an Android sizedDictionary for education on the go. :-)
5th GRADE READINESS CHECKLIST PLANNERIs your child getting ready to go into the Fifth Grade? Makesure they have all their necessary skills up to date by using thishandy checklist app to compare where they are and where they needto be. Take a look at everything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 55 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: school, kindergarten, prepare, prepared, skills, need, todo, list, math, social studies, learning, learn, writing, science,reading, comprehension, numbers, problem, solving, language,listen, listening, measurement, boy, girl
SKI TRIP PLANNER CHECKLISTAre you getting ready for your ski trip vacation? Why notmakethis years packing a breeze with our handy checklist app. Takealook at everything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 90 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: ski, downhill, slope, snow, snowboarding, fast, bunny
475 BARTENDING Mixed Drinks 1.0
Ready to start your bartending career? Thisappwas designed for you! This Mixed Drink App includes 475PopularDrinks in a set of fantastic Multiple Choice Quizzes, FlashCards,and a handy Android-sized Dictionary. Perfect for keepingyour edgeor just for fun.
Human geography is one of the twomajorsub-fields of geography. Human geography is the study of humanuseand understanding of the world and the processes whichhaveaffected it. Human geography broadly differs fromphysicalgeography in that it has a greater focus on studyinghumanactivities and is more receptive to qualitativeresearchmethodologies. Broadly speaking, human geography is asocialscience discipline, whilst physical geography is an earthscience.Human geography is concerned with the study of spatialpatterns ofinteractions between human beings and their physicalenvironment.AP Human Geography can be a daunting class and you shouldtakeadvantage of every thing you can. This app was designed withyou inmind. With over 300 Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, andahandy Android sized Dictionary you will be able to keepyouredge.
GENERAL CONTRACTOR TERMINOLOGY- 730 Multiple Choice Quizzes- Flash Cards- DictionaryGENERAL CONTRACTOR TERMINOLOGY quizzes, flash cards, andadictionary of over 730 Contractor codes makes the perfectstudypartner. This handy Android app from Digital Applicationskeepsyour user interface simple and straightforward; the onlycomplexaspect of this app is the content itself. Challenge yourknowledgewith multiple choice quizzes which show you the correctanswer ifyou miss a question. Research terms you don't know withthespecialized dictionary. Study for upcoming tests and masteryourContractor knowledge with term-by-term flash cards. TheGENERALCONTRACTOR TERMINOLOGY Quiz (Flash Cards & Dictionary),madefor students on the go with Android phones, applies asimple,easy-to-use structure to a particularly complicatedsubject.
BEAUTY PAGEANT PLANNER CHECKLISTIs your adorable child in beauty pageants? Making sureyouremember everything is a full time job in itself. Take some ofthestress out of your life with this handy checklist app. Take alookat everything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 130 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Itemskw: girl, child, beautiful, little, miss, 2011, beauty,- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)
SWIM MEET CHECKLISTIf you are an avid swimmer you know the meaning of thewordpressure. make sure you have everything you need for your nextmeetby taking advantage of this handy checklist app. Take a lookateverything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 45 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: swimming, competition, planner, plan, prepare, pack, to do,list
USED CAR BUYING PLANNER CHECKLISTGetting ready to buy a new car? Make sure you get the best carbygoing through our handy checklist of items at the dealership.Take alook at everything you will have access to:- Comes pre-populated with over 80 items- Add/Delete Lists- Duplicate Old Lists so you don't have to start over- Add New Tasks- Add New Items- Delete Unwanted Items- Set Alarms to remind yourself of items you still need to do- Add Notes for more clarification- Set a Priority to items (High, Medium, Low)- Edit the Names of Items- Sort Your Lists Alphabetically or by Priority (Menu Item)kw: USED, car, truck, honda, ford, chevy, jeep, bmw,mercedes,brand, motorcycle, vw